IM Injection Dilutions
Ampicillin/Salbactum (Unasyn): Use the following amounts to make 375mg/ml inj solution
Piperacillin: Use the following amounts to make 400mg/ml inj solution
The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only, and should not be used to replace professional medical advice. Visitors to the website are responsible for how they chose to utilize this content.
This information should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on in diagnosing or treating a medical condition. Content on this website does not contain information on all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment.
It is best to seek advice and attention from your physician or qualified healthcare professional. Always consult your physician before beginning a new treatment, diet or fitness program.
Walnut HealthCare and the participating hospitals do not endorse nor have responsibility for the contents of any other websites linked to or from or
Please note that all inpatient pharmacists at the participating hospitals are trained and contiuously recertified before they can use any of the protocols per pharmacy on patients. Per Pharmacy Protocols are those Protocols which are approved by hospital’s P&T committee and to which the pharmacy adheres in order to provide medications to patients in a safe, efficient and ethical manner.
Ampicillin/Salbactum (Unasyn): Use the following amounts to make 375mg/ml inj solution
- 1,000mg/500mg (1.5gm) Vial: Mix with 3.2ml Sterile Water or 1% lidocaine
- 2,000mg/1000mg (3gm) Vial: Mix with 6.4ml Sterile Water or 1% lidocaine
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 3ml Sterile Water or 1% lidocaine
- 2,000mg Vial: Mix with 6ml Sterile Water or 1% lidocaine
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 2.5ml Sterile Water
- 500mg Vial: Mix with 1.3ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 2.4ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 2,000mg Vial: Mix with 4.8ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 500mg Vial: Mix with 2ml of Sterile Water to make 230mg/ml inj solution
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 3ml of Sterile Water to make 300mg/ml inj solution
- 2,000mg Vial : Mix with 5ml of Sterile water to make 330mg/ml inj solution
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 2.0ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine (400mg/ml)
- 2,000mg Vial: Mix with 3.0ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine (500mg/ml)
- 500mg Vial: Mix with 1ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 2.1ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 2,000mg Vial: Mix with 4.2ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 250mg Vial: Mix with 0.45ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 500mg Vial: Mix with 0.9ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 1.8ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 2,000mg Vial: Mix with 3.6ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 500mg Vial: Mix with 1.5ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 1,000mg Vial: Mix with 3.0ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 2,000mg Vial: Mix with 6.0ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
Piperacillin: Use the following amounts to make 400mg/ml inj solution
- 2,000mg Vial: Mix with 4.0ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 3,000mg Vial: Mix with 6.0ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
- 4,000mg Vial: Mix with 8.0ml of Sterile water or 1% lidocaine
The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only, and should not be used to replace professional medical advice. Visitors to the website are responsible for how they chose to utilize this content.
This information should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on in diagnosing or treating a medical condition. Content on this website does not contain information on all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment.
It is best to seek advice and attention from your physician or qualified healthcare professional. Always consult your physician before beginning a new treatment, diet or fitness program.
Walnut HealthCare and the participating hospitals do not endorse nor have responsibility for the contents of any other websites linked to or from or
Please note that all inpatient pharmacists at the participating hospitals are trained and contiuously recertified before they can use any of the protocols per pharmacy on patients. Per Pharmacy Protocols are those Protocols which are approved by hospital’s P&T committee and to which the pharmacy adheres in order to provide medications to patients in a safe, efficient and ethical manner.